

Islamic VCE School in Melbourne

Welcome to the Islamic Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Program at Ilim College, a comprehensive and thoughtfully structured course designed to pave the way for academic success and a deeper understanding of Islamic values. 

Our VCE program encompasses four units per subject, each spanning a semester, providing a progressive and in-depth learning experience. Students typically complete Units 1 and 2 before advancing to the more challenging Units 3 and 4. This sequential approach ensures a thorough and cohesive mastery of each subject area, aligned with Islamic principles and ethics. 

If you have questions about our Islamic VCE program or wish to understand how we incorporate Islamic teachings within our curriculum, please feel free to reach out. We are here to assist and eager to share more about our nurturing and faith-centred educational approach.

Curriculum Overview

At Ilim College, the Islamic ethos permeates every aspect of our educational programs, including the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) curriculum. We believe in fostering an environment where students not only excel academically but grow spiritually, guided by Islamic principles and teachings. 

Our teaching philosophy and educational approach ensure that Islamic values are integrated into the VCE program in the following ways:

  • Ethical Framework: Islamic ethics and morality serve as the foundation of our teaching approach. In every subject, students are encouraged to consider ethical implications and make decisions guided by Islamic principles.
  • Critical Thinking with Islamic Perspective: We encourage students to critically analyse information and viewpoints from diverse sources, including those rooted in Islamic teachings.
  • Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: Students learn about the contributions of Islamic civilisations to art, science, literature and philosophy, fostering a sense of pride in their heritage and a deep appreciation for cultural diversity.
  • Community Engagement: Service to others is a fundamental Islamic value, and we integrate community service opportunities into the VCE program through volunteering and outreach initiatives.

While specific subjects may vary by campus to ensure that students have access to a comprehensive education that meets their individual goals, here are the general subjects available at all locations:

  • English
  • General Mathematics
  • Math Methods
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Legal Studies
  • Business Management
  • Turkish
  • Arabic
  • Health and Human Development
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Why Ilim College Stands Out in Islamic Education

At Ilim College, our VCE program stands out as more than just an academic pursuit – it’s a transformative journey preparing students for life’s diverse challenges and opportunities.

With extensive programs from prep and primary school through secondary and higher education, our learning system goes beyond traditional education by integrating Islamic principles into the curriculum.

As they graduate, they also become part of our esteemed Alumni Association, forging lifelong connections and gaining access to a supportive network of opportunities and resources, ensuring their continued success in the future.

Find out about campus tours


Start your course at Ilim College’s VCE program today. Book a private tour to see our approach to Islamic VCE subjects and our school’s diverse offerings.

Recognised as a premier Islamic school in Melbourne, we are committed to academic excellence. To learn more about becoming part of our community, please visit our enrolment page.

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