
About us


Chief Executive Officer’s message

At Ilim College, we value each student as an individual, embarking on a unique and personal journey. From the moment they join our Ilim family, we place the utmost importance on ensuring an enriching experience throughout their educational journey.

Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Ilim College has a long-standing commitment to academic excellence and Islamic values. Since our inception in 1995, we are dedicated to fostering an environment that encourages students to find their potential by exploring their unique skills and abilities.

Our strength lies in our dedicated team of leadership, teachers, staff, and our diverse community of students across Victoria, numbering more than 2,500. At Ilim College, we value each student as an individual, embarking on a unique and personal journey. From the moment they join our Ilim family, we place the utmost importance on ensuring an enriching experience throughout their educational journey.

Embodying our motto ‘Advance through Knowledge’, we aspire to nurture students who are not only academically accomplished but also proactive and contributing members of society. Ilim College is proud to reflect the richness and diversity of over 40 different cultural groups within our student community. This diversity is the heartbeat of our College, fostering compassion, understanding, and respect in all we do.

An Ilim College student’s journey is one of intellectual and personal growth. It promises the exploration of new academic potential, the nurturing of meaningful friendships, and the shaping of life perspectives. This journey is as enriching as it is rewarding, and we are committed to ensuring that every step is one of positive development and fulfilment.

We are confident that together, we can provide an environment that fosters not only educational achievement but also personal growth and character development in line with our Islamic principles.
We welcome you to the Ilim College family.

Aynur Simsirel

Chief Executive Officer

Our values


Respect is in every part of the College. With diversity comes cultural distinction from over 40 corners of the world. We promote respect for all cultures, for all ethnic backgrounds, and we expect our students to adhere to this cornerstone value. Respect means inclusion. Respect means compassion. Respect means all school stakeholders have the freedom to be heard. We listen, we understand, we include, because we respect.

“He is not of us who is not affectionate to his young ones and does not honour the elderly; and he is not of us who does not encourage what is good and prohibit what is evil.” Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)

“O you who believe! No men should (ever scoff) at other men. Maybe, the latter are better than the former. Nor should women (ever scoff) at other women. Maybe the latter women are better than the former ones. And do not find fault with one another, nor call one another with bad nicknames. Bad is the name of sinfulness after embracing faith. If anyone does not repent, then such people are wrong doers.” {Qur’an Surat Al Hujraat 49:11}


Integrity is as important as reading, writing and mathematics. Islamic values mean peace, acceptance and strong moral principles, for all. Ilim students are caring, honest, authentic and loyal because we expect that of them, and all their interactions.

“And when they hear false and vain talk, they withdraw from it and say, ‘to us our deeds and, to you your deeds, Peace be to you. We seek not the ignorant.” {Qur’an Surah Al Qasas 28:55}

“No man can attain a true faith, unless he develops strength of character and that cannot be achieved unless one acquires the habit of speaking the truth.” Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)


Empathy makes a good man, a good woman, a good human. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) expected empathy from himself and from everyone. Towards ever human being living. Towards the environment. We ask our students to reflect this compassion. Without question. When others face challenges or hardships, our students walk in their shoes.

“(You shall do) good to (your) parents, and to the near of kin and to the orphans and the needy, and you shall speak to men good words.” 2:83

“Woe to those who give short measure, who demand of other people full measure for themselves, but give less than they should, when it is they who weigh or measure for others!” {Qur’an Al Mutaffifin 83:13}


Commitment means not settling for second-best. Not taking the easy way out. Our students are taught to strive for the pinnacle solution based on strong reasoning and judgement. Based on wisdom, compassion and inclusivity.

“And each man is held responsible for his own actions.” Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)

“Who is the most favoured of God: The one from whom the greatest good comes to His creatures.” Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)


We ourselves are responsible to aspire to our own excellence. Being open to new ideas and insights means we can continually improve ourselves.

“For everyone there is a direction to which he turns his face. Strive, then to excel each other in good deeds. Wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together. Allah is certainly powerful over everything.” {Qur’an Al -Baqarah 2:148}

“The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.” Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)

Our campuses

Dallas Primary

Prep—Grade 6

Co-educational Primary School

Dogan Akin
Principal, Dallas Primary

At Ilim College, we are very fortunate to have positive and supportive parents who work in partnership with the school to empower student learning through our values of Respect, Integrity, Empathy, Commitment and Excellence. We strongly value this relationship and are passionate about inspiring the College community to enhance the learning of all and strive to develop and improve teaching and learning outcomes. and build a professional learning community that is focused on continuous improvement and growth. We proudly work in partnership with all school stakeholders to work in line of our school motto “Advance Through Knowledge”.

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Dallas Primary
Has 783 students



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Dallas Primary
Has 110 staff members



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Dallas Primary
Has students from 38 different countries



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Dallas Primary
The campus covers 80000m2



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Glenroy Primary

Prep—Grade 6

Co-educational Primary School

Derya Buyukyazici
Principal, Glenroy Primary

Ilim College – Glenroy Primary Campus is a co-educational campus which was established in 2013. At our school we understand that our actions and daily habits shape who we are. Our committed team of teachers and staff prioritise the wellbeing, engagement and learning of each individual student. We are a community of leaders and learners who rejoice in cultivating rich experiences to shape the faith, character, identity, and capability of our students. How do we do this?
We build relationships on mutual trust and respect.
We care about each other and our school.
We help each other learn, work hard and we celebrate together.
We understand that everyone makes mistakes, and we support one another.
This is who we are, and we work hard to empower students to unlock their potential and become better learners and better people for a better world.

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Glenroy Primary
Has 603 students



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Dallas Primary
Has 118 staff members



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Glenroy Primary
Has students from 27 different countries



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Glenroy Primary
The campus covers 40000m2



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Doveton Primary

Prep—Year 12 VCE

Co-educational school

Siti Ali
Principal, Doveton Primary

Doveton Campus is Ilim College’s newest campuses. A unique and different campus located in the Southeastern suburbs, with a diverse group of ethnicities and families from 19 different backgrounds. Our leadership are passionate and motivated educators who wish to inspire students with curiosity and motivate them in different ways to be lifelong learners. Our teachers believe that every child must be given an equal opportunity to succeed regardless of abilities and background. No child is the same and we want every child to experience and improve their learning journey by expanding their knowledge. Besides Ilim College’s values of Respect, Integrity, Empathy, Commitment and Excellence, Doveton campus is committed to paying it forward by small acts of kindness as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad SAW, “Allah is kind and He loves kindness in all matters”.

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Doveton Primary
Has 262 students



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Doveton Primary
Has 52 staff members



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Doveton Primary
Has students from 19 different countries



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Doveton Primary
The campus covers 20200m2



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Dallas Secondary Girls

Year 7—Year 12 VCE

Girls School

Zeynep Sertel
Principal, Dallas Secondary Girls

At Dallas Secondary Girls, our goal is to ensure all our students build a strong foundation for their Islamic academic journey with the College. Our diverse family of staff are always there to support the needs of any student with a multitude of social and academic support programs to aspire confidence in every student to reach their full potential.
With the authenticity of the beauty of Islam, our teaching and pedagogies develop your daughter’s values-based learning with thinking routines, differentiation, a balanced teacher- and student-centred approach, and visible learning.
Our parent/carer workshops, campus tours, orientation program offered by the student services department will make Ilim feel like your second home. Education is our passion, and faith our beacon, a light we hope to continue passing on to our past and emerging students.

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Dallas Secondary Girls
Has 562 students



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Dallas Secondary Girls
Has 107 staff members



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Dallas Secondary Girls
Has students from 33 different countries



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Dallas Secondary Girls
The campus covers 80000m2



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Kiewa Secondary Boys

Year 7—Year 12 VCE

Boys School

Mr Andrew Houghton
Principal, Kiewa Secondary Boys

At Kiewa Campus, our focus is to ensure every student’s experience is positive. With a range of pastoral care and sports activities, our students are exposed to the outside world in their preparation to becoming young Muslim adults
Our strong Islamic focus also helps them become exemplary Muslims for Australian society. Our diverse family of staff are always present to cater for the needs of all students with a multitude of social and academic support programs.
Our doors are always open to prospective students and parents to see our programs in action. We believe education is the key to success in every sense of the word.

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Kiewa Secondary Boys
Has 463 students



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Kiewa Secondary Boys
Has 87 staff members



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Kiewa Secondary Boys
Has students from 33 different countries



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Kiewa 3

Kiewa Secondary Boys
The campus covers 21000m2



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Our history


Ilim College head office established in Campbellfield.


Doveton campus officially opens to teaching with 43 students enrolled from Prep – Grade 6.


Ilim Glenroy Learning Sanctuary officially opens with a total of 92 children enrolled.


Kiewa Secondary Boys campus is officially established and 243 students from year 7-10 commence their studies.


The school expands into a multi-campus college with the establishment of Ilim College Glenroy campus. The campus officially begins operation on the 29th of January, 2015 by welcoming 182 students and their families.


The school first major expansion is approved and the development of F-Block begins.


The first cohorts of Year 12 to Graduate from Ilim College.


Establishment of the VCE department with the first cohort of Year 10 students taking on VCE subjects.


The secondary department was established with the first class of Year 7’s.


Islamic College North Western Region’s first Grade 6 class graduate from primary school.


After endless months of labouring, fundraising and volunteering, the gates of 30 Inverloch Crescent was unlocked, and the school was founded with 45 students which was known as Islamic College North Western Region.


A group of visionary migrant Turkish volunteers from Milli Görüs, currently known as Islamic Community Milli Görüs, purchased a dilapidated Boys Technical College in Dallas, Victoria.

Child Safety

Our commitment to Child Safety

Ilim College is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where children and young people are safe and feel safe to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives.

Our Policies demonstrate the strong commitment of Ilim College to the care, safety and wellbeing of all students at our school and to creating and maintaining a child safe and child-friendly environment, where children are safe and feel safe, are cared for and nurtured. These Policies provides the framework of the policies, practices, actions and strategies that will be implemented to keep our students safe from abuse and all other forms of harm in our College environment.

These Policies take into account the relevant Victorian legislative requirements, including the specific requirements of Ministerial Order 1359. These Policies inform the College community about everyone’s obligations to act safely and appropriately towards students and guides the policies, processes and practices for the care, safety and wellbeing of students across all areas of our work. The College’s child safe processes and practices are set out in full in the College’s Child Safe Program.

campus tours

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